About me

SoCal kid, Chicago transplant. Indoor gal who spent most of her twenties in a library. (Check out my complexion!)

When people ask what I do, I say, “Editorial Swiss army knife.” I’ve freelanced, I’ve been a managing editor, and I’ve done nearly everything in between. I’m as happy writing a chapter for my latest novel as I am leading a kick-off meeting for a new report. I’ve written about burlesque, tarot, motion graphics, and how to be an actor. And I’ve done a few of those things IRL.

My career path has been anything but normal. Once an aspiring college professor, I decided the Ivory Tower wasn’t for me, so I set my sights on any job that included writing. Since then, I’ve zigged and zagged, working for a small start-up, a major media conglomerate, a publisher of online courses, and an education nonprofit. I’ve also worked for myself.

A few trivia tidbits:

  • I won the Carol Burnett Award for Musical Theater at UCLA.

  • I didn’t do any creative writing until well into adulthood.

  • Sir Patrick Stewart once admired my work. (Back atcha, Pat!)

  • I don’t shape my eyebrows. They’re just naturally on point.

  • I was never on my high school yearbook committee, newspaper staff, or literary mag.

  • I once had a job where I recruited, onboarded, and trained one new staffer PER MONTH.

  • I can do the time step.

  • My family nickname is “Baby Kay” (later “Dr. Baby Kay”). My friend group nickname is “Wee Kay,” or “WeeK.” I struggle with being minimized. For the record, I’m not that short.

I love connecting with other writers, editors, and readers, so feel free to drop me a note!